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Speedline Taxi (Travel)


Speedline Taxi 380

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Travel
Price: Free, Version: 32.0.2 -> 380 (iTunes)


Speedline Taxi Offer you the simplest way to book & check your cab through our free App.

Not Only can you now book a taxi from a few touches, you can also track the exact location of the dispatched vehicle.

Through this APP you can:
#Book a job
#Check the Status of your booking
#Amend you booking
#Track the vehicle on a map

What's New

The new Speedline Taxis App is connected to the international RIIDE network. Travelling out of town, Speedlines Taxi Booking App will book you a cab with a reputable local company across the UK, Ireland, US and Canada!

Including in the following towns/cities:

UK: Milton Keynes, Northampton, Buckingham, Towcester, Birmingham, Cambridge, Derby, Leicester, Liverpool, Loughborough, London, Luton, Manchester, Newcastle, Oxford, Sheffield, Stockport, Belfast Northern Ireland, Edinburgh & Glasgow Scotland, IRELAND: Dublin USA: Alexandria, Charlottesville, Springfield, Virginia, Washinton DC, Minneapolis.

Speedline Taxi

Mozaik (Lifestyle)


Mozaik 0.7

Device: iOS iPad Only
Category: Lifestyle
Price: Free, Version: 0.6 -> 0.7 (iTunes)


Mozaik system is a home automation system working over 3rd party hardwares such as Crestron and AMX systems. It will also control 3rd party media centers such as XBMC/Kodi, Kaleidescape and so on.

The Mozaik app provides control over the system in order for you to control your home appliances and devices right from your ipad, without having to constantly change applications, and in a easy and customer-friendly way. Just choose the room you are in and control it. From lights, blinds to media-center systems, everything is at your fingertips in the same app.

The app is also compatible with iBeacons. It provides GPS capabilities and youtube embedded videos.

As a concierge system, we provide you with movies nd tv-series recommendations, based on your viewig history and your local library. You can also discover new content that is not 'yet' available on your system.

The app will also allow you to manage all your assets (villas, mansions, yachts) from the exact same app, with the same great design.

Mozaik. One App. One Design.

What's New

Preparing Plex® support
Minor fixes
Libraries updates


Ereigniskataster VLBG Pro (Business)


Ereigniskataster VLBG Pro 1.4.13

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Business
Price: Free, Version: 1.4.9 -> 1.4.13 (iTunes)


Der Ereigniskataster dient zur Schadenserfassung im öffentlichen Raum für Bund, Länder und Gemeinden sowie Blaulichtorganisationen.

What's New


Ereigniskataster VLBG Pro

CasaTop (Business)


CasaTop 2.0

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Business
Price: Free, Version: 1.0 -> 2.0 (iTunes)


Benvenuto in Casa Top ! Abbiamo realizzato questa App con l'obiettivo di mettere a disposizione degli utenti una serie di servizi e prodotti erogati da nostri partner assolutamente qualificati e selezionati, tutti legati al mondo della casa.
Quindi qui potrai trovare:
- Area Immobiliare ovvero cerco e vendo casa , certificazioni energetiche, idraulica , elettricità, ristrutturazioni.

-Area arredi interni con a disposizione progettisti per aiutarti a realizzare i tuoi arredi partendo dal rendering foto-realistici fino alla fornitura di arredi e complementi.

- Area elettronica ovvero assistenza su computer , tablet e smartphone , stampanti e consumabili.

- Area sicurezza con impianti allarme e video sorveglianza e grate di sicurezza.

Ti consigliamo di attivare sempre le notifiche per non perdere nessun evento e promozione da parte dei nostri partner.

What's New

Sono state introdotte nuove aree tematiche legate al mondo dei servizi per la casa.


JaiFlashéSur (Photography)


JaiFlashéSur 3.1.2

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Photography
Price: Free, Version: 3.0.4 -> 3.1.2 (iTunes)


Téléchargez, flashez, découvrez.
Par un simple flash accédez à une multitude de contenus enrichis (vidéo, audio, contact, site internet, réseaux sociaux, partage, événement, localisation, sms, appel, pdf interactif…).

What's New

Cette nouvelle version optimise la vue des tutoriels et le calcul des statistiques.


Wialon Local (Navigation)


Wialon Local 1.17

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Navigation
Price: Free, Version: 1.15.9 -> 1.17 (iTunes)


Continue tracking from around the world with free Wialon mobile client. The application from Wialon Local developers offers basic functionality in a user-friendly mobile interface.

- Unit list management. Get all the necessary information on movement and ignition state, data actuality and unit location in real time.
- Map mode. Access units, geofences, tracks and event markers on the map with the option to detect your own location.
- Tracking mode. Monitor the ​precise location and parameters received from a particular unit.
- Events control. Use extended information on trips, parkings, fuel fillings/thefts, and sensor values to learn chronology, duration and the exact number of events in the “Timeline”.
- Notifications management. Receive and view notifications in the app.
- Locator function. Create links and share unit locations.
- Commands. Send core commands from “Units” and “Tracking” tabs.
- Suitability for smartphones and tablets.

What's New

Bug fix and stability improvement.

Wialon Local

Indian Penal Code 1860 Hindi (Education)


Indian Penal Code 1860 Hindi 1.2.1

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Education
Price: Free, Version: 1.1.1 -> 1.2.1 (iTunes)


भारत भारतीय दण्ड संहिता (Indian Penal Code, IPC) भारत के अन्दर (जम्मू एवं काश्मीर को छोडकर) भारत के किसी भी नागरिक द्वारा किये गये कुछ अपराधों की परिभाषा व दण्ड का प्रावधान करती है। किन्तु यह संहिता भारत की सेना पर लागू नहीं होती। जम्मू एवं कश्मीर में इसके स्थान पर रणबीर दण्ड संहिता (RPC) लागू होती है।

भारतीय दण्ड संहिता ब्रिटिश काल में सन् १८६२ में लागू हुई। इसके बाद इसमे समय-समय पर संशोधन होते रहे (विशेषकर भारत के स्वतन्त्र होने के बाद)। पाकिस्तान और बांग्लादेश ने भी भारतीय दण्ड संहिता को ही लागू किया। लगभग इसी रूप में यह विधान तत्कालीन अन्य ब्रिटिश उपनिवेशों (बर्मा, श्रीलंका, मलेशिया, सिंगापुर, ब्रुनेई आदि) में भी लागू की गयी थी।

भारतीय दण्ड संहिता १८६० कुल २३ अध्यायों में विभाजित है। इसमें कुल ५११ धाराएँ (sections) हैं।

The Indian Penal Code (IPC) is the main criminal code of India. It is a comprehensive code intended to cover all substantive aspects of criminal law. The code was drafted in 1860 on the recommendations of first law commission of India established in 1834 under the Charter Act of 1833 under the Chairmanship of Thomas Babington Macaulay. It came into force in British India during the early British Raj period in 1862. However, it did not apply automatically in the Princely states, which had their own courts and legal systems until the 1940s. The Code has since been amended several times and is now supplemented by other criminal provisions.

After the partition of the British Indian Empire, the Indian Penal Code was inherited by its successor states, the Dominion of India and the Dominion of Pakistan, where it continues independently as the Pakistan Penal Code. The Ranbir Penal Code (RPC) applicable in Jammu and Kashmir is also based on this Code.[2] After the separation of Bangladesh from Pakistan, the code continued in force there. The Code was also adopted by the British colonial authorities in Colonial Burma, Ceylon (modern Sri Lanka), the Straits Settlements (now part of Malaysia), Singapore and Brunei, and remains the basis of the criminal codes in those countries.

The draft of the Indian Penal Code was prepared by the First Law Commission, chaired by Thomas Babington Macaulay in 1835 and was submitted to Governor-General of India Council in 1837. Its basis is the law of England freed from superfluities, technicalities and local peculiarities. Elements were also derived from the Napoleonic Code and from Edward Livingston's Louisiana Civil Code of 1825. The first final draft of the Indian Penal Code was submitted to the Governor-General of India in Council in 1837, but the draft was again revised. The drafting was completed in 1850 and the Code was presented to the Legislative Council in 1856, but it did not take its place on the statute book of British India until a generation later, following the Indian Rebellion of 1857. The draft then underwent a very careful revision at the hands of Barnes Peacock, who later became the first Chief Justice of the Calcutta High Court, and the future puisne judges of the Calcutta High Court, who were members of the Legislative Council, and was passed into law on 6 October 1860. The Code came into operation on 1 January 1862. Macaulay did not survive to see his masterpiece come into force, having died near the end of 1859.

The objective of this Act is to provide a general penal code for India. Though not an initial objective, the Act does not repeal the penal laws which were in force at the time of coming into force in India. This was so because the Code does not contain all the offences and it was possible that some offences might have still been left out of the Code, which were not intended to be exempted from penal consequences.

The Indian Penal Code of 1860, sub-divided into twenty three chapters, comprises five hundred and eleven sections. The Code starts with an introduction, provides explanations and exceptions used in it, and covers a wide range of offences.

What's New

Bug fixes

Indian Penal Code 1860 Hindi

Handbook Of Physics (Education)


Handbook Of Physics 1.2

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Education
Price: Free, Version: 1.1 -> 1.2 (iTunes)


Physics MCQs Handbook

The subjects covered in the book include:

Current Electricity
Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics
Steam Nozzles and Turbines
Compressors, Gas Dynamics and Gas Turbines
Theory of Machines
Applied Mechanics
SI Units
Quantities and Units
Strength of Materials
Hydraulic Machines

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@ Useful for Competitive Exams Like @
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Physics Formulas

The app lists all the important Physics formulas. Its very useful for student to save valuable time.

This App contains following formulas :
Doppler Effect Formula
Force Formula
Total Work Done
Power with Work
Power with Displacement
Power with Velocity
Kinetic Energy
Potential Energy
Centripetal (Centrifugal) Acceleration
Concave Mirror Magnification
Centripetal (Centrifugal) Force
Circular Velocity
Average Velocity
Displacement or Distance
Kinetic Friction
Static Friction
Newton's Law of Gravitation
Kepler's Third Law
Acceleration due to Gravity
Escape Velocity
Hooke's Law
Elastic Potential Energy
Newton's Second Law of Motion
Impulse with Velocity
Impulse with Time
Momentum with Velocity
Momentum with Time
Moment Force, Lever Arm Length
Simple Pendulum
Physical Pendulum
Einstein Mass Energy
Youngs Modulus
Ups Power Requirement
Doppler Effect
Wood Density
Differential Pressure Measurement
Sound Pressure Level
Sound Intensity Level
Sound Power Emitted
Sound Wavelength
Free Fall
Noise Pollution Level
Battery Storage Rating
Celsius to Fahrenheit Conversion
Fahrenheit to Celsius Conversion
True Porosity
Souders Brown Equation
Concave Mirror Equation
Constant Q Transform
Horsepower (HP)
Moment of Inertia
Transverse Strength of a Material
Standard Surface Factor
Rectangular Tank Capacity
Torsional Pendulum
Apparent Porosity
Kinematic Viscosity
Speed of Sound
Cylindrical Tank Capacity
Radar Range
Lensmaker's Equation
Podmore Factor
Leaf Spring Rate
Critical Frequency
Brinell Hardness Number (BHN)
Voltage Divider Rule
Electrodialysis (ED)
Amount of Substance
Angular Acceleration
Battery Charging Time
Kva (Kilovolt-amps)
Newton's Law of Cooling
Infusion with Calibrated Tubing
RMS Noise Voltage
Milling Speed, Feed Rate
Mass Flow Rate
Drift Velocity
Gsm of Paper
Helical Spring Rate
D Exponent
Gravitational Potential Energy
Damped Harmonic Oscillation
Forced Harmonic Oscillation
Quantum Harmonic Oscillator
Acoustic Suspension Enclosure
Sound Decibel Distance
Offset Frequency Speed Error
Radar Doppler Frequency Shift
Motor Top Speed RPM
Speedometer Calibration
Vehicles Angle, Angular Rate
One Dimensional Motion with Constant Acceleration
Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL) / Loop Rule
Wien's Displacement Law
HP (Horsepower) to Amps Conversion
Graham's Law of Effusion
Snell's Law Refraction
Vehicle Speed Error
Root Mean Square Velocity Calculator
One Dimensional Motion Velocity
Acceleration Due to Gravity on Outside Earth
Boltzmann Gas Constant
De Broglie Wavelength
Average Translational Kinetic Energy
Energy of Photon
Nature of Light
Tidal Force
Angular Linear Velocity
Planck's Constant
Vector Displacement
Average Acceleration

What's New

Bug Fixes & Performance Improvements.

Handbook Of Physics

BBC News Somali (News)


BBC News Somali 4.9.5

Device: iOS Universal
Category: News
Price: Free, Version: 4.7.10 -> 4.9.5 (iTunes)


App-ka rasmiga ah ee BBC Somali ee ZenoMedia waxa uu ku siinayaa barnaamijyadii ugu dambeeyay iyo wararka ugu waaweyn.
Waxaad barnaamijyada raadiyaha ku dhegeysan kartaa adigoo isticmaalaya daaraha codka ee bilaashka ah ama adigoo isticmaalaya wicidda teleefoonka (Qiimaha dal walba u yaal ayaa laga qaadayaa wicitaanka teleefonka. Fadlan ka hubi shirkadaada inta aadan wicin)

- Ka akhriso wararka ugu waaweyn uguna dambeeyay bogga BBC Somali

- Ku dhegeyso barnaamijyada aad ugu jeceshahay idaacadda daaraha codka ee bilaashka ah, ama adeegga wicidda teleefoonka.

- Barnaamijyadii ugu dambeeyay waxaad ka heli kartaa:
Idaacadda Subaxnimo
Idaacadda Duhurnimo
Dunida iyo Maanta
Caawa iyo Caalamka
Warka BBC Somali

Barnaamijka adeegga taleefoonka gacanta waxaa lagu xoojiyay xayaysiin. Qaab gaar ah oo lagu aqoonsan karo aaladda ayaa lagu kaydinayaa, laguna wadaagayaa , hawshaas oo ay qabanayso shirkadda Zeno Media LLC, taas oo iidhehyada u sahlaysa in laga dhex helo adeeggan.

Xog kale oo kuu gaar ah (sida magacaaga ama email-kaaga) lama keydinayo. Xogtan waxaa la keydin karaa oo kaliya haddii ay waafaqsan tahay Sharciga Xuquuq Shaqsiyeedka ZenoMedia, oo laga heli karo

Wargelinta waxaa ku jiri kara ogeysiis, codad iyo calaamado. Kuwan waxaad ka beddeli kartaa (Settings notifications). Xogta app-kani uruuriyo ee ay ka mid yihiin cinwaanka aqoonsiga internet-ka ee aaladdaada iyo goobta aad joogtid, iyagana waxaad ka heli kartaa Settings

The official BBC Somali news ZenoMedia app offers the latest programmes and news headlines. You can listen to the radio programmes using the free audio player or by using the telephone dial-up option (standard geographic charges from landlines and mobiles may apply. Check with your provider before calling).

- Read the latest news headlines from the BBC Somali website

- Listen to your favourite radio programmes free with the audio player, or by using the standard-rate telephone dial-up service

- You can access the most recent editions of:
Idaacadda Subaxnimo
Idaacadda Duhurnimo
Dunida iyo Maanta
Caawa iyo Caalamka
Warka BBC Somali

This mobile application is ad-supported. A unique identifier relating to your device will be stored and shared by Zeno Media LLC, allowing advertising to be served within the app.

No other personal data relating to you (such as a username or email address) is processed. Such information will only be processed in line with ZenoMedia's Privacy Policy, available at https://www.zenomedia.com/wp-content/themes/zeno/privacy_policy.pdf

Notifications may include alerts, sounds and icon badges. These can be reconfigured in Settings (notifications). Details of data this app collects, including the unique identifier relating to your device and your location data, is also found under Settings

What's New

Thank you for using our app! We are constantly working to improve it and offer better versions to our users.
This update includes bug fixes and minor improvements.
If you like our app, please give us a review. We appreciate your feedback!

BBC News Somali

Bacone Warriors (Education)


Bacone Warriors 6.2.10

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Education
Price: Free, Version: 6.2.8 -> 6.2.10 (iTunes)


Official app for Bacone College.

Use this app to get involved, stay organized, access resources, and communicate with others on our campus.

What's New

We're always updating the app to make it even better!

Here's what we did in the latest version:
• UI improvements
• Small bug fixes
• Enhancements to survey features

If you have any requests or ideas, we'd love to hear from you. Send us an email at ideas@involvio.com

Bacone Warriors

FireCloud by CFP (Business)


FireCloud by CFP 3.6.3

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Business
Price: Free, Version: 3.5.5 -> 3.6.3 (iTunes)


FireCloud is an propriety app of Commercial Fire Protection, Inc and has been design and developed to provide excellence in fire life safety industry.

Anonymous users can scan their fire life safety devices and request for service (actual service rates may apply).

New users can sign up, requesting access to our network.

Residents can also use the app to scan their FLS devices, even if not signed up with FireCloud.

Existing users can view their list of properties and view property details and property map, dive down to list of floors and see the individual floor map to see the equipments and devices placed on the floor.

Employees can view all properties and can conduct inspections with repair status on individual devices.

What's New

Added search options on MAP view and inspection mode; minor bug fix with equipment tab

FireCloud by CFP

YH-FPV (Entertainment)


YH-FPV 7.4

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Entertainment
Price: Free, Version: 7.3.1 -> 7.4 (iTunes)


This is a APP for the four axis aircraft control via WiFi protocol

This APP function:

1.Remote control the four axis aircraft by iPhone/iPad/iPod.

2.Display the real-time video which taken by the camera on the aircraft,video data transmitted via 2.4G WiFi protocol.

3.Take the photo and video record on iPhone/iPad/iPod.

4.support 720P/1080P

What's New

voice command add take-off、landing


UHBVN Electricity Bill Payment (Business)


UHBVN Electricity Bill Payment 1.5

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Business
Price: Free, Version: 1.3 -> 1.5 (iTunes)


Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam consumers can
1.Pay their bills
2.View their bills
3.Make payment through Debit card, Credit card and Net Banking service any time and anywhere.
Consumer can also View their Payment History and View their old Receipts as well. Consumers can also lodge complaints related to E-Payment Service through this Mobile Application.

What's New

Combine the account input fields to one. Will help user to enter account number easily.

UHBVN Electricity Bill Payment

Evolution Health Benefits (Medical)


Evolution Health Benefits 2.0.43

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Medical
Price: Free, Version: 2.0.14 -> 2.0.43 (iTunes)


Key Features:

Shop for Care - quickly access all of the free or reduced-cost medical procedures available to you at high quality facilities from high quality physicians!

Contact Your Care Guide - Tracy, your personal healthcare guide, is available for you to talk to! Need help accessing your free or reduced cost care? Want to discuss a procedure? Use the app to connect and get the help you need!

Savings Pass - Easy Access To Your Savings Passes for Lab And Urgent Care!

….and more!

Please note: the Evolution app and service are only available to eligible employees of employers who subscribe to the Evolution service. If you’re not sure if your employer is subscribed to Evolution, please contact your HR or Benefits staff member.

What's New

General enhancements and bug fixes.

Evolution Health Benefits

Sheep Transactions (Business)


Sheep Transactions 1.6.1

Device: iOS iPad Only
Category: Business
Price: Free, Version: 1.4 -> 1.6.1 (iTunes)


Sheep Transactions Database enables the entry of Sheep and Sheep Transactions data for Apple IPad users in the field and office.

Sheep Transactions Database presents a full featured add/edit/delete records for two Sheep data files: Sheep and Sheep Transactions. The Sheep file has data fields for Eartag, Herd ID, Name, Registration, Sex, Breed, Color and Birthdate. Pull down menus for Sex, Breeds and Colors exist for easy data selection and update for Sheep Breeds,Sex and Colors.

All breed, sex and color data codes are also user configurable which allow the user to add and delete codes.

A user-configurable Search by Eartag, Name or Registration facility allows for the searching or a Catle record. The user can select the Sheep Search data field in the IPad Settings Section.

The Sheep Transactions file has data fields for Transaction Date, Description, Sheep Age, Salelot, FromHerd, ToHerd, FromName, ToName, FromLocation, ToLocation, FromType and ToType. Five pull-down menus for Age, FromHerd, ToHerd, FromName and ToName exist for easy data selection and update for Sheep Transaction data fields.

Herd, Transaction Name, Location and Transaction Type information is user defined and configurable.

A Transactions Summary screen displays a listing of all Sheep Transactions for a selected Sheep sort by the Date of Transaction

All data fields in the Sheep and Sheep Transactions screen are user editable.

An email facilty allows for an easy email sending of a Sheep/Sheep Transaction data record and other user defined information. An Email File exist for the entering of Email Addresses/Names for easy selection of the Email Address in the Email Send Screen.

A Search facility allows for the searching of Sheep by Name, Eartag and Registration.

A Sheep status facility exists which allows the easy transfer of Sheep from an Active to an Inactive status.

A Help Topics Menu provides user help information for Menu Navigation, Sheep Search, Add/Edit Sheep and Add/Edit Transaction screens.

Integration with the IOS 9 iCloud Drive. An iCloud button on the Main View enables the exporting of Sheep data to the Sheep Transactions folder on your iCloud Drive. The format of the export file is csv which integrates with the Apple Numbers app.

What's New

Fixed bug for Sheep Search

Sheep Transactions

The Coop App (Finance)


The Coop App 19.1.30

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Finance
Price: Free, Version: 18.3.80 -> 19.1.30 (iTunes)


Mobile Banking from The Cooperative Bank of Cape Cod lets you bank anytime, anywhere. Check your account balances, transfer money, deposit checks, and pay bills right from your mobile device. Need to locate a branch or ATM? You can do that too. At The Coop, we know you’re busy, and Mobile Banking is just another way we help you manage your money quickly and easily. It’s what makes us Positively Different.//

What's New

This version includes feature enhancements, user interface improvements and bug fixes.

The Coop App




Device: iOS Universal
Category: Travel
Price: Free, Version: 1.0.1 -> 1.6 (iTunes)


An archaeological walk in Bergamo Alta to discover the Roman city.

What's New

New version


Photo Lab: Picture Editor art (Photography)


Photo Lab: Picture Editor art 3.6.12

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Photography
Price: Free, Version: 3.5.10 -> 3.6.12 (iTunes)


Get your photos to a new, awesome level. Add realistic effects and stylish filters in a tap. Join the ever-growing Photo Lab community of over 120 million fans:

“Downloading that app was the best decision I have ever made on this phone. Get this app for hours of nonstop fun and editing!!” (WolverZorro)

“I never write reviews, but I had to for this! This app is pretty amazing. It's easy to use. The quality is really great!” (Gelato)

“This is totally awesome! I have a fan-page on Instagram and it works for edits! I love it sooo much and think everyone who likes to do edits should have it! It is definitely worth downloading!!!” (lovergurl)

“I was going to write this earlier but I had to pause while I deleted all the other apps that only pretended to do what this does.” (Ahj60)

Photo Lab contains over 900 awesome effects for your photos including:
* AI-driven art style transfer (over 100 styles);
* background replacement, powered by AI figure segmentation;
* makeover options (eyes or hair color change, makeup and more);
* realistic photomontages;
* stylish photo filters;
* beautiful frames;
* fun face montages;
* holiday e-card templates;
* creative artistic effects;
* collages for multiple photos.

You will love the neat interface and how easily effects are created. No need for adjusting: just choose an effect or a frame, then select a photo from Camera Roll (or take a new photo with your device’s camera) and ta-da!.. you get a unique photo montage or collage! The app also has a built-in photo editor with every basic tool you may need: crop, rotate, adjust colors, lighting and sharpness, and even touch-up.

What's more you can easily combine effects with each other, creating your own effects and styles and sharing it with your friends.

Photo Lab includes:

- Photo montages with automatic face detection.
Become an astronaut, a tiger, a gangster or a nun with a single tap!

- Photorealistic effects.
Put your photo on a dollar bill, into an ancient book or on a screen of a virtual iPhone.

- Photo-to-art effects.
Turn your photo into a masterpiece. Choose your favorite technique and instantly imitate it: pen, pencil or charcoal sketch, pastel or crayons drawing, watercolor or oil painting.

- Awesome photo filters.
Jigsaw puzzle, neon glow, fire, Matrix digital rain, HDR, fractal, and more.

- Personalized greeting cards for every holiday.
Make your own online photo cards to congratulate those you love on Birthday, Wedding, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving and St. Patrick’s Day.

- Magazine covers.
Put your face on a magazine cover like Vogue, Glamour or Playboy and feel what it's like to be famous!

- Headwear.
Try on a King's crown, Elf hat, St.Patrick's Day hat or the most popular Santa hat!

- Collages for multiple photos.
Put yourself together with your sweetheart or even all your friends into one photo collage.

Most of the effects let you add your own text onto the picture with text style tailored to each template.

Finally, you can save your creation to Camera Roll, share it easily to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or send it as a message (WhatsApp, Viber or WeChat) to your friends.

Photo Lab PRO subscription options:

$4.99 per month (with 3-day trial)
$9.99 per year

At the end of 3-day trial period and auto renewable subscription will be activated at the price of $4.99/mo.
Your Photo Lab PRO subscription will automatically renew 24-hours prior to the end of each term (month or year correspondingly) and your card will be charged through your iTunes account. You can turn off auto-renewal at any time in your iTunes account settings, but refunds will not be provided for any unused period of the term. An unused portion of free trial period will also be forfeited once any of the subscription options is purchased.

Photo Lab Terms of Use: http://pho.to/terms/
Photo Lab Privacy Policy: http://pho.to/policy/

What's New

Everything changes. So does Photo Lab! We improve and develop our app every day to make you happier.

Photo Lab: Picture Editor art

HeadCheck (Healthcare & Fitness)


HeadCheck 3.6.0

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Healthcare & Fitness
Price: Free, Version: 2.9.0 -> 3.6.0 (iTunes)


The HeadCheck mobile app can be used to document suspected concussions, run concussion assessments, manage return to play, and create a detailed concussion history for every athlete and/or patient. The FREE version includes one user account and five free athlete/client profiles to run unlimited tests on. To upgrade to an account with more users, profiles, and/or to add a larger organization please consult our website at www.headcheckhealth.com or email us at support@headcheckhealth.com”


With the app, you can:
Track an athlete’s/patient’s concussion testing history
Easily run the consensus best tests for assessing a suspected concussion
Instant comparison to help monitor progress and aid in data-driven decisions
Test anywhere, anytime with wifi, data, or offline mode
Securely share test results with authorized individuals via web link or PDF, including the affected patient, parents, doctors, etc.
Attach additional notes including Medical Clearance Notes for return-to-play

If your team, league, clinic, school, or workplace purchases HeadCheck Health, even more features become available. These include:
Quick access to team/group test results
Monthly reports for organization administrators on concussion statistics and concussion protocol compliance
A dashboard with a quick summary of where athletes are in the concussion testing and recovery process

The HeadCheck Health system, including the app and web dashboard, is also great for teams, leagues, clinics, schools, and more. See our website for more information: www.headcheckhealth.com.

Find us on:
Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/headcheckhealth/)
Twitter (https://twitter.com/@headcheckhealth)
Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/headcheckhealth/)
LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/headcheck-health)

What's New

New sign up for medical professionals and non-medical professionals (coaches, safety people, supervisors, etc)
New free trial version (five free profiles)


My Orange Cameroon (Productivity)


My Orange Cameroon 2.2

Device: iOS Universal
Category: Productivity
Price: Free, Version: 2.1 -> 2.2 (iTunes)


My Orange is a free application, which allows Orange Cameroon customers to:
- Consult your account in real time: minutes, sms, internet ...
- Top up your account or a friend account
- Buy Internet Pass
- Purchase Voice and SMS package
- Discover the latest offers and promotions
- Access to Orange services and applications
- Locate your Orange shops
- Chat with an Orange customer advisor
- Find the answers to all your questions, the numbers of customer service in the support area
Thanks to My Orange application, get all USSD shortcuts with a tap of finger.
Conditions of use:
My Orange application is dedicated to all Orange Cameroun customers under Edge/3G network coverage.
- Download: possible under Wifi and free, under mobile coverage. The downloading traffic cost is deducted from the customer’s data plan or pay per use session. The mobile traffic for the app use is free except when being located via My Orange application or when the user is directed to a website, data charges apply and are deducted from the customer's data plan.
- Permissions: Understand the permissions requested by the application using the trust badge item available in the lateral menu
If you have questions, you can contact the customer care: 3900
Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram :
Do you like My Orange? Do not hesitate to write a review on the Store!

What's New

Thank you for using My Orange!
In this version you can access your points and the loyalty program.
You will also find technical improvements and a new assistance menu.
You continue to use your application without consuming your internet package.
Share your comments with us so that we can continue to improve it!

My Orange Cameroon

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