Langelier Saturation Index LSI 5.2
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Reference
Price: $.99, Version: 5.1 -> 5.2 (iTunes)

The Langelier Saturation Index computes the Langelier Saturation Index, a calculated number, to predict the calcium carbonate stability of water to determine equilibrium. This helps you determine the scaling potential of the water. A negative LSI indicates that the water is corrosive to steel.
The app also features a short interpretation of the the LSI value, and water temperature can be entered as Fahrenheit or Celsius.
This app features:
• Send your calculations or conversions by email
• Universal App (iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad)
• iOS 7 is supported
• iPhone 5’s 4 inch screen and the original 3.5 inch screen are supported
• Retina Display graphics
• Fast app switching
• Automatically Saves Your Inputs
No network connectivity required.
What's New
User Interface improvements
Langelier Saturation Index LSI