HSK Level 6 Vocab List - Study for Chinese exams with PinyinTutor.com 1.3
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Education
Price: Free, Version: 1.2.1 -> 1.3 (iTunes)

Vocab List HSK Level 6 contains the complete set of vocabulary for HSK Level 6 exam. With English translation and clear spoken Chinese, it is an ideal application for Chinese learners studying for the HSK exams. This app is optimized for iPad for full screen reading. It is currently available for free with non-intrusive ads at the bottom to support our development.
Each Chinese word is provided with an English translation, native speaker recording and writing in both Traditional and Simplified Chinese.
This application has the following features:
★ User friendly interface to preview vocab terms in full screen
★ Click on the pinyin to have the Chinese word pronounced to you accurately
★ Beautiful page turning effect
★ Covering all HSK Level 6 vocabulary
PinyinTutor.com is building one of the leading app suite for learning Chinese as a foreign language. Don't forget to check out our Pinyin Chart and PROnounce apps.
Our Production Team
Content Editor: Sai Wu
iOS Development: Jin Khera
Graphic Design: Bella Xue, Nancy Wu
Producer: Edward Tsang
Please understand that this is an ongoing development. If you have found any issues or bugs, please let us know by email, support@ondemandworld.com. We will solve them with free updates.
Check out http://www.pinyintutor.com/ for more info.
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HSK Level 6 Vocab List - Study for Chinese exams with PinyinTutor.com