Resource Alignment Matrix 1.4
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Business
Price: $.99, Version: 1.3 -> 1.4 (iTunes)

Resource Alignment Matrix now delivers 3 times the value - as a comprehensive & objective staff ranking tool, as your ticket to the secrets of Robust Production Management (RPM), & as your personal fast track to RPM certification!FIRST... the Resource Alignment Matrix - or "RAM" app - objectively ranks individual team members according to their skills and work performance. Supervisors and managers can quickly and easily identify specific team member development opportunities, as well as places to cut operational costs. Just enter the various tasks performed by a given team, enter each team member's name, then score each team member based on skill level & 3 key performance variables. "RAM" automatically ranks each team member (highest to lowest overall score), & provides a complete resource alignment matrix that users can email to themselves for further offline review & analysis.SECOND... "RAM" now provides access to all 13 Robust Production Management (RPM) modules - just check out the app's RPM tab. These are the same concepts and tools Metrilogics uses to deliver bottom-line process improvement results for clients - everywhere, every time. RPM modules include:• Module 1: Performance Culture • Module 2: Performance Framework• Module 3: Complex Planning Calculations• Module 4: Time Studies• Module 5: Staffing Models• Module 6: Unit Costs• Module 7: Resource Alignment Matrix• Module 8: Performance Distribution• Module 9: Measuring Before and After Savings• Module 10: Small Warehouse Case Study• Module 11: Large Insurance Dept. Case Study• Module 12: Selecting Viable Project Candidates• Module 13: Deriving Project Financial ValueTHIRD... and best of all... you can now get CERTIFIED as an RPM practitioner directly through the app. Simply acquire all RPM modules from the app's RPM tab, then click on the "Get RPM Certificate" button at the top of the RPM tab page. Follow the prompts to receive your own personalized, dated and serial-numbered RPM certificate in your email In Box. No classes... no exams... no kidding!One app that gives you 3 ways to help your company remain competitive and profitable, while helping you build your personal management or consulting career. Now THAT'S value!Like us on Facebook ( http://www.facebook.com/pages/Metrilogics-LLC/134481206664620 ), and follow us on YouTube:• "Drive Profits With Metrilogics Apps" ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdMPeACB-YE )• "RPM - The Six Sigma Alternative" ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHvy04FxqEQ&feature=relmfu )• "Give Bosses What They Want" ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9t6s4Kktwo )
What's New
* Improved visibility of RPM Certification.
Resource Alignment Matrix