"Love Quotes" - Bible, Wisdom, Sweet Passion, Romance, Random, Beauty, Riddle, Expression of the Heart 1.2
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Lifestyle
Price: Free, Version: 1.1 -> 1.2 (iTunes)

Best "Love Quotes" on your finger tips ever!! FREE
Collections of famous loves quotes of all times by ordinary and famous people alike, from William Shakes, Mark Twain, Hellen Keller, Winston Churchill, Ralph Waldo Emerson and many others.
These inspiring and beautiful love quotes are immortal stories of lovers…
***BBC's News Magazine said of this quote, "This romantic sentiment may sound like the message on a greeting card, but it now makes its way into wedding speeches and toasts," and it is indeed often found in wedding books and toast ideas. The idea of the quote remains sound throughout time though: that when we are in love, we think so often of the one we love”.
Whether you're feeling down or riding a new wave of love, these love quotes will inspire and remind you of what it is to be in love.
This app will help you share and spread love to your loved ones in the air.
•Save your favorite love quotes easily & quickly.
•Share your favorite love quotes via Email!
•SMS your favorite love quotes!
•Paste your favorite love quotes into Facebook, Twitter, or Safari
Have Fun and Enjoy and Share Love to everyone!!
**Love Quotes** works with all generations of the iPhone, iPad as well as the iPod Touch.
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What's New
*update graphics
*update database
"Love Quotes" - Bible, Wisdom, Sweet Passion, Romance, Random, Beauty, Riddle, Expression of the Heart