Nursing Care Plans 2013 1.1
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Medical
Price: Free, Version: 1.0 -> 1.1 (iTunes)

Nursing Care Plan features 100 care plans with the nursing diagnoses, interventions and rationales. Nursing Care Plans helps nurses write customized care plans for their patients. It includes care plans for medical-surgical nursing, maternity, pediatrics, and psychiatry. Test your knowledge of nursing care planning with practice quizzes covering NCLEX patient management skills.Edited by Linda Stanford, RN, MSN, this app is known for its practical format, and detailed rationales.• Updates from clinical experts ensure the most current, accurate, and relevant content.• Consistent format for each care plan allows fast lookup of Nursing Diagnoses, Desired Outcomes, and Assessments, Interventions, and Rationales.• Sections for medical-surgical, maternity, pediatric, and psychiatric nursing make it easy to find information rapidly.• A two-column format for nursing assessments/interventions and rationales makes it easier to find patient-centered information.• Detailed rationales for each nursing intervention help you to apply concepts to clinical practice.• Outcome criteria with specific timelines help you set goals for nursing outcomes and provide efficient, quality care.• NANDA-I taxonomy updates keep you current with NANDA-I diagnoses.• Updated content covers the latest clinical developments, new pharmacologic treatments, and evidence-based practice guidelines.• NANDA-I nursing diagnoses include adult failure to thrive, chronic confusion, risk for shock, interrupted breastfeeding, and impaired environmental interpretation syndrome.What's new:New NANDA-I diagnoses. Interventions and rationales. New Maternity, Pediatrics, and Psychiatry sections.
What's New
New NANDA nursing diagnoses
Nursing Care Plans 2013