How to Make-up - Deluxe 3.0
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Lifestyle
Price: $.99, Version: 2.0 -> 3.0 (iTunes)

Now compatible with iPad!How to Make Up Deluxe contains no automatically displaying advertisements.Get expert first-hand instruction on all kinds of MAKEUP, HAIR STYLES, and NAIL ART.• NEW! INTERACTIVE COLOR COORDINATOR: Color coordinate your makeup, clothing, skin tone, and hair color - fun and easy with the interactive color wheel • MAKEUP Instruction and Techniques from an expert makeup artist• HAIRSTYLES: Tons of hairstyles from a hair expert. She's cute and nice!• NAIL ART: Quick instructional videos that will teach you how to create EASY & CUTE nail art designs! • BEAUTY TIPS: See what the celebs are doing and other cool ideas• SKIN CARE: Give your skin the TLC it deserves! We'll show you how• EXOTIC MAKEUP STYLES: Sometimes you want something a little outrageous. OMG!• EAT WELL: Skin quality is a direct reflection of your diet. Find out what makes the most difference• ANTI-AGING: Don't wait until it's too late. The secret is skin preservation, not repair!https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/how-to-make-up-deluxe./id537762587?ls=1&mt=8
What's New
In response to customer feedback (thank you Amarzi 11), the color wheel help section has been improved with illustrations and succinct instructions.
How to Make-up - Deluxe