TodayMind - Reminders Widget 1.8.0
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Productivity
Price: $.99, Version: 1.7.0 -> 1.8.0 (iTunes)

# What is TodayMind
- View/create/edit reminders directly in today widget, incredible fast!
# Features
- Use reminders app in widget
- Add/edit reminder list
- Configure any color for reminder list
- Full featured, you almost can do anything with reminders
# How to setup
- Open TodayMind then grant to access "Reminders"
- Open "Notification Center" then swipe to "Widgets"
- Click "Edit" to add a new widget named "TodayMind"
- Done!
# Tips
- Tap text field to add a new reminder
- Tap reminder to edit directly in widget
- Long press reminder to copy title
- Add alarm and choose reminder list when creating
- Click circle to toggle completed states
- Swipe to delete reminder
- Scrolling vertically to show more
- Click edit button to start editing
# Feedback
- Find us on Weibo @StackOverflowError, or send email to log.e@qq.com
What's New
- Improvements for new models
TodayMind - Reminders Widget