pictagger 1.8.13
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Photography
Price: Free, Version: 1.8.11 -> 1.8.13 (iTunes)

Have you anytime tried to add some tags or keywords to your photos?
With this App it's very easy now!
-> Tag Photos:
1. Tap on pics you want to tag
2. press on tagit! icon
3. write down your keywords!
- Thats it!
-> Search for Tags:
1. Just search in search-text-field
-> Delete Tags:
1. Select pics you want to delete there tags
2. Tap the monster-icon
3. tap on the tags or keywords you want to delete!
- It's easier than everything!
-> Find pics to your keys:
1. just tap on the "tag list icon" on the top
+ It needs no internet connection for this feature!
+ It's will be a part of your backup, if you anytime change your iPhone to a new one - you still have your tags on your photos!
Have fun and please share it on social networks, thanks a lot!
What's New
- updated frameworks